Gilad Lab

Department of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science - Michigan State University

Welcome to the Gilad Lab!

We are a research group specializing in synthetic biology. We look to the natural world for basic building blocks that can be engineered into new sophisticated systems to innovate and solve problems. Our current goals focus on achieving a deeper understanding of biological systems which allows us to reengineer natural cellular machinery for use as therapeutic, diagnostic, or optogenetic tools.

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Our Research

Our current research focuses on a variety of topics within synthetic biology:

  • Constructing Synthetic Biology circuits in prokaryotic and mammalian cells
  • Characterizing the structure and function of the electromagnetic perceptive gene from the Kryptopterus vitreolus
  • Developing genetically encoded reporters for MRI
  • Magnetobiomanipulation
  • Protein evolution and engineering
  • Controllable synthetic circuits
  • Peptide based MRI contrast agents
  • Biocatalysis of organic chemical compounds for MRI contrast and cancer therapeutics

Our Team

Assaf Gilad

Assaf Gilad, Ph.D. - Principal Investigator

Dr. Gilad is the Chief of the Division of Synthetic Biology and Regenerative Medicine in the Institute for Quantitative Health Science and Engineering at MSU. He was recruited from Johns Hopkins University. Dr. Gilad is a biologist by training and a professor of biomedical engineering and radiology. Prior to joining MSU, Dr. Gilad was a faculty member in the radiology department at Johns Hopkins University. He received his undergraduate degree from Technion – Israel Institute of Technology, and his graduate degree and Ph.D. from the Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel.

Brianna Ricker

Brianna Ricker - Laboratory Technician/Manager

Brianna is a technician and manager in the Gilad lab. Her current research focuses on EPG - a magnetically sensitive protein from the glass catfish. This includes its characterization, use with a magnetically sensitive promoter system, and its ability to influence MRI contrast agents all conducted in mammalian cell systems. In addition to her research, she also takes care of maintaining the cleanliness, organization, and stocking of the lab space.

Aimen Al-Hilfi

Aimen Al-Hilfi, Ph.D. - Postdoctoral Fellow

Aimen is a postdoctoral researcher who joined the Gilad lab in 2024. He is currently working on developing an alternative method to synthesize 5-MDHT, an important CEST-MRI probe used to monitor the expression of the HSV1-TK reporter gene in cancer cells.

Nir Dayan

Nir Dayan, Ph.D. - Postdoctoral Fellow

Alejandro Castellanos

Alejandro Castellanos - Graduate Student

Alejandro is a graduate student in the Biomedical Engineering Ph.D. program. Previous to joining the Gilad lab, Alejandro did his undergraduate studies at Michigan State University in chemical engineering. The main focus of his research consists of utilizing protein engineering to assemble and control gene circuits. His main project seeks to utilize luminescent enzymes to create a genetically encoded circuit for the control of gene expression in mammalian cells.

Adriana Wittke

Adriana Wittke - Laboratory Technician

Adriana is a laboratory technician in the Gilad lab. Adriana graduated from MSU with a BS in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology/Biotechnology in 2023. She is currently working on purifying CEST proteins for contrast on MRI.

Ron Gomillion

Ron Gomillion - Laboratory Technician

Ron is a laboratory technician in the Gilad lab. He graduated from Michigan State University with a Bachelor of Science degree in Physics in 2024. Ron’s current research focuses on using the computational abilities of the E. coli genetic regulatory network to analyze samples and solve problems.

Emma Renalds - Undergraduate Research Assistant

Maria Cohen Bichara - Undergraduate Research Assistant

Joe Yuan - Undergraduate Research Assistant

Anika Babel - Undergraduate Research Assistant


  • Rita Martin - Laboratory Administrator
  • Isabelle Mary - Undergraduate Research Assistant
  • Gabriela Saldana - Laboratory Technician/Manager
  • Mimi Tarter - Undergraduate Research Assistant
  • Alex Bricco - Graduate Student (Postdoctoral Fellow at Michigan State University)
  • Connor Grady - Graduate Student (Postdoctoral Fellow at University of Michigan)
  • Harvey Lee - Graduate Student
  • Everett Baxter - Graduate Student
  • Joelle Eaves - Graduate Student
  • Jory Schossau - Postdoctoral Fellow
  • Adam Fillion - Laboratory Technician
  • Allie Lapan - Laboratory Technician
  • Katie Krell - Undergraduate Research Assistant
  • Eric Petersen - Postdoctoral Fellow (Assistant Professor at Central Michigan University)
  • Lauren Linenfelser - Laboratory Technician
  • Echo Prafke-Marson - Laboratory Technician
  • Ryan Ashbaugh - Graduate Student
  • Sunayana Mitra - Postdoctoral Fellow (Researcher at Massachusetts General Hospital)
  • Tom Ruvio - Undergraduate Research Assistant (Data Analyst at Lockheed Martin Corporation)
  • Nicole Desmet - Laboratory Technician (Gradaute Student at Dartmouth Univeristy)
  • Lonsani Kabba - Undergraduate Research Assistant
  • Shengqiang Xu - Postdoctoral Fellow
  • XiaoXian Zhang - Laboratory Technician
  • Gabriel Santana - Undergraduate Research Assistant
  • Mara Scribner - Laboratory Technician
  • Olivia Han - Laboratory Technician



  • Congratulations to Alejandro Castellanos who recieved an Outstanding Biomedical Engineering (BME) Graduate Student Award!


  • The Gilad Lab was honored to have visitors from the Alliance for Graduate Education & the Professoriate (AGEP). Our guests experienced demos and presentations by the Gilad, Lunt, and Woldring labs from the MSU Chemical Engineering and Materials Science (CHEMS) department. Displayed below are images from the demonstrations by Alejandro - bioluminescent protein after induction with it's substrate (left), and Brianna - sparty head drawn with bacteria expressing GFP (right).
  • AGEP
  • Brianna Ricker had artwork featured on the August 2024 cover of Open Biology (Volume 14, Issue 8)
  • RSP Cover 2024
  • Congratulations to Assaf Gilad for recieving the Withrow Excellence in Diversity Sustained Excellence Award at the 34th MSU College of Engineering Awards.
  • Withrow 2024



  • Connor Grady, Alex Bricco, and Harvey Lee represented the Gilad Lab at the World Molecular Imaging Conference in Miami. Connor gave a talk while Alex and Harvey shared their research on posters.
  • WMIC 2022
  • Alex Bricco, Harvey Lee, and Connor Grady represented the Gilad lab with their research at the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine conference in London. Harvey and Connor were co-authors on a poster while Alex's work was presented at a talk.
  • ISMRM 2022
  • Congratulations to Connor Grady for earning the Best Poster Award in the Health and Biomedical section at the 2022 MSU Graduate Engineering Research Symposium. See this poster and others in our poster gallery!




  • Chuang KH, Qian C, Gilad AA, Pelled G. Magnetogenetic stimulation inside MRI induces spontaneous and evoked changes in neural circuits activity in rats. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 2024 September 30.
  • Kanada M, Gilad AA. Minicircle DNA vectors: A breakthrough in non-viral delivery of CRISPR base editors? Molecular Therapy-Nucleic Acids, 2024 September 10.
  • Ricker BR, Castellanos Franco, EA, de los Campos G, Pelled G, Gilad AA. A conserved phenylalanine motif among teleost fish provides insight for improving electromagnetic perception. Open Biology, 2024 July 24.
  • Scalzitti N, Miralavy I, Korenchan DE, Farrar CT, Gilad AA, Banzhaf W. Computational peptide discovery with a genetic programming approach. Journal of Computer-Aided Molecular Design, 2024 April 3.
  • Grady CJ, Castellanos Franco EA, Schossau J, Ashbaugh RC, Pelled GA, Gilad AA. A putative design for the electromagnetic activation of split proteins for molecular and cellular manipulation. Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, 2024 March 28.
  • Song Y, Zou J, Castellanos Franco EA, Matsuura N, Ronald JA, Shuhendler A, Weber WA, Gilad AA, Muller C, Witney TH, Chen X. Theranostics-a sure cure for cancer after 100 years? Theranostic, 2024 March 31.


  • Metto AC, Telgkamp P, McLane-Svoboda AK, Gilad AA, Pelled G. Closed-loop neurostimulation via expression of magnetogenetics-sensitive protein in inhibitory neurons leads to reduction of seizure activity in a rat model of epilepsy. Brain Research, 2023 December 1.
  • Ricker BR, Mitra S, Castellanos Franco EA, Grady CJ, Woldring D, Pelled G, Gilad AA. Proposed three-phenylalanine motif involved in magnetoreception signalling of an Actinopterygii protein expressed in mammalian cells. Open Biology, 2023 November 22.
  • Fillion AJ, Bricco AR, Lee HD, Korenchan DE, Farrar CT, Gilad AA. NMR in Biomedicine, 2023 November.
  • Petersen ED, Lapan AP, Castellanos Franco EA, Fillion AJ, Crespo EL, Lambert GG, Grady CJ, Zanca AT, Orcutt R, Hichgeschwender U, Shaner NC, Gilad AA. Bioluminescent genetically encoded glutamate indicators for molecular imaging of neuronal activity. ACS Synthetic Biology, 2023 July 14.
  • Gilad AA, Bar-shir A, Bricco AR, Mohanta Z, McMahon MT. Protein and peptide engineering for chemical exchange saturation transfer imaging in the age of synthetic biology. NMR in Biomedicine, 2023 June.
  • Bricco AR, Maralavy I, Bo S, Perlman O, Korenchan DE, Farrar CT, McMahon MT, Banzhaf W, Gilad AA. A Genetic Programming Approach to Engineering MRI Reporter Genes. ACS Synthetic Biology, 2023 March 22.


  • Miralavy I, Bricco AR, Gilad AA, Banzhaf W. Using genetic programming to predict and optimize protein function. PeerJ Physical Chemistry,2022 September 21.
  • Good NM, Lee HD, Hawker ER, Su MZ, Gilad AA, Martinez-Gomez NC. Hyperaccumulation of Gadolinium by Methylorubrum extorquens AM1 Reveals Impacts of Lanthanides on Cellular Processes Beyond Methylotrophy. Front. Microbiol., 17 March 2022.
  • Kanada M, Linenfelser L, Cox E, Gilad AA. A Dual-Reporter Platform for Screening Tumor-Targeted Extracellular Vesicles. Pharmaceutics, 2022 February 22.


  • Ashbaugh RC, Udpa L, Israeli RR, Gilad AA, Pelled G. Bioelectromagnetic platform for cell, tissue, and in vivo stimulation. Biosensors, 2021 July 25.
  • Desmet NM, Dhusia K, Qi W, Doseff AI, Bhattacharya S, Gilad AA. Bioengineering of Genetically Encoded Gene Promoter Repressed by the Flavonoid Apigenin for Constructing Intracellular Sensor for Molecular Events. Biosensors, 2021 Apr 28.
  • Hunt R, Ashbaugh R, Reimers M, Udpa L, Saldana De Jimenez G, Moore M, Gilad AA, Pelled G. Swimming direction of the glass catfish is responsive to magnetic stimulation. PLOS ONE, 2021 March 5.


  • Cywiak C, Ashbaugh RC, Metto AC, Udpa L, Qian C, Gilad AA, Reimers, M, Zhong M, Pelled G. Non-invasive neuromodulation using rTMS and the electromagnetic-perceptive gene (EPG) facilitates plasticity after nerve injury. Brain Stimulation, 2020 Oct 15.
  • Perlman O, Ito H, Gilad AA, McMahon MT, Chiocca EA, Nakashima H, Farrar, CT. Redesigned reporter gene for improved proton exchange-based molecular MRI contrast. Sci Rep, 2020 Nov 26.
  • Mitra S, Barnaba C, Schmidt J, Pelled G, Gilad AA. Functional Characterization of an Electromagnetic Perceptive Protein. bioRxiv, 2020 October 07.
  • Hwang J, Choi Y, Lee K, Krishnan V, Pelled G, Gilad AA, Choi J. Regulation of Electromagnetic Perceptive Gene Using Ferromagnetic Particles for the External Control of Calcium Ion Transport. Biomolecules, 2020 Feb 15.



  • Krishnan V, Park SA, Shin SS, Alon L, Tressler CM, Stokes W, Banerjee J, Sorrell ME, Tian Y, Fridman GY, Celnik P, Pevsner J, Guggino WB, Gilad AA, Pelled, G. Wireless control of cellular function by activation of a novel protein responsive to electromagnetic fields. Sci Rep, 2018 Jun 8.
  • Hwang J, Kim S, Seo Y, Lee K, Park C, Choi Y, Kim D, Gilad AA, Choi, J. Mechanisms of Salinity Control in Sea Bass. Biotechnology and Bioprocess Engineering, 2018 Jun.
  • Seo Y, Park C, Son J, Lee K, Hwang J, Jo Y, Lee D, Khan MS, Chavan SG, Choi Y, Kim D, Gilad AA, Choi J. Synthesis of Multi-walled Carbon Nanotubes Modified with Silver Nanoparticles and Evaluation of Their Antibacterial Activities and Cytotoxic Properties. J Vis Exp, 2018 May 10.
  • Hwang J, Lee K, Gilad AA, Choi J. Synthesis of Beta-glucan Nanoparticles for the Delivery of Single Strand DNA. Biotechnology and Bioprocess Engineering, 2018 Mar.
  • Lee D, Hwang J, Seo Y, Gilad AA, Choi J. Optical Immunosensors for the Efficient Detection of Target Biomolecules. Biotechnology and Bioprocess Engineering, 2018 Mar.
  • Meier S, Gilad AA, Brandon JA, Qian C, Gao E, Abisambra JF, Vandsburger M. Non-invasive detection of adeno-associated viral gene transfer using a genetically encoded CEST-MRI reporter gene in the murine heart. Sci Rep, 2018 Mar 15.
  • Lina Alon, Dara L Kraitchman, Michael Schär, Angel Cortez, Nirbhay N Yadav, Rebecca Krimins, Peter V Johnston, Michael T McMahon, Peter CM van Zijl, Sridhar Nimmagadda, Martin G Pomper, Jeff WM Bulte, Gilad AA. Molecular Imaging of CXCL12 Promoter-driven HSV1-TK Reporter Gene Expression. Biotechnology and Bioprocess Engineering, 2018 Mar 1.
  • Bar-Shir A, Alon L, Korrer MJ, Lim HS, Yadav NN, Kato Y, Pathak AP, Bulte JWM, Gilad AA.**Quantification and tracking of genetically engineered dendritic cells for studying immunotherapy. Magn Reson Med, 2018 Feb.
  • Hwang J, Son J, Seo Y, Jo Y, Lee K, Lee D, Khan MS, Chavan S, Park C, Sharma A, Gilad AA, Choi J. Functional silica nanoparticles conjugated with beta-glucan to deliver anti-tuberculosis drug molecules. Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 2018 Feb.
  • Lee D, Seo Y, Khan MS, Hwang J, Jo Y, Son J, Lee K, Park C, Chavan S, Gilad AA, Choi J. Use of Nanoscale Materials for the Effective Prevention and Extermination of Bacterial Biofilms. Biotechnology and Bioprocess Engineering, 2018 Feb.


  • Gilad AA, Shapiro MG. Molecular Imaging in Synthetic Biology, and Synthetic Biology in Molecular Imaging. Mol Imaging Biol, 2017 Jun 1.
  • Biasetti J, Sampath K, Cortez A, Azhir A, Gilad AA, Kickler TS, Obser T, Ruggeri ZM, Katz J. Space and Time Resolved Detection of Platelet Activation and von Willebrand Factor Conformational Changes in Deep Suspensions. International Journal of Biomedical Imaging, 2017.


  • McMahon, MT and Gilad AA.Cellular and Molecular Imaging Using Chemical Exchange Saturation Transfer. Topics in Magnetic Resonance Imaging: TMRI, 2016 Oct.
  • Ngen EJ, Bar-Shir A, Jablonska A, Liu G, Song X, Ansari R, Bulte JW, Janowski M, Pearl M, Walczak P,Gilad AA. Imaging the DNA Alkylator Melphalan by CEST MRI: An Advanced Approach to Theranostics. Mol Pharm, 2016 Sep.
  • Hwang J, Lee E, Kim J, Seo Y, Lee KH, Hong JW, Gilad AA, Park H, Choi J. Effective delivery of immunosuppressive drug molecules by silica coated iron oxide nanoparticles. Colloids Surf B: Biointerfaces, 2016 Jun.


  • Andrzejewska A, Nowakowski A, Janowski M, Bulte JW, Gilad AA, Walczak P, Lukomska B. Pre- and postmortem imaging of transplanted cells. Int J Nanomedicine, 2015 Sep 2.
  • Minn I, Bar-Shir A, Yarlagadda K, Bulte JW, Fisher PB, Wang H, Gilad AA, Pomper MG. Tumor-specific expression and detection of a CEST reporter gene. Magn Reson Med, 2015 Aug.
  • Farrar CT, Buhrman JS, Liu G, Kleijn A, Lamfers ML, McMahon MT, Gilad AA, Fulci G. Establishing the Lysine-rich Protein CEST Reporter Gene as a CEST MR Imaging Detector for Oncolytic Virotherapy. Radiology, 2015 Jun.
  • Bar-Shir A, Bulte JW, Gilad AA. Molecular Engineering of Nonmetallic Biosensors for CEST MRI. ACS Chem Biol, 2015 May 15.
  • Srivastava AK, Kadayakkara DK, Bar-Shir A, Gilad AA, McMahon MT, Bulte JW. Advances in using MRI probes and sensors for in vivo cell tracking as applied to regenerative medicine. Dis Model Mech, 2015 Apr.
  • Bar-Shir A, Liang Y, Chan KW, Gilad AA, Bulte JW. Supercharged green fluorescent proteins as bimodal reporter genes for CEST MRI and optical imaging. Chem Commun (Camb), 2015 Mar 21.
  • Song X, Airan RD, Arifin DR, Bar-Shir A, Kadayakkara DK, Liu G, Gilad AA, van Zijl PC, McMahon MT, Bulte JW. Label-free in vivo molecular imaging of underglycosylated mucin-1 expression in tumour cells. Nature Communications, 2015 Mar 27.
  • Gilad AA, Pelled G. New approaches for the neuroimaging of gene expression. Front Integr Neurosci, 2015 Feb 4.
  • Liang Y, Bar-Shir A, Song X, Gilad AA, Walczak P, Bulte JW. Label-free imaging of gelatin-containing hydrogel scaffolds. Biomaterials, 2015 Feb.
  • Oskolkov N, Bar-Shir A, Chan KW, Song X, van Zijl PC, Bulte JW, Gilad AA, McMahon MT. Biophysical Characterization of Human Protamine-1 as a Responsive CEST MR Contrast Agent. ACS Macro Lett, 2015 Jan 20.
  • Bar-Shir A, Yadav NN, Gilad AA, van Zijl PC, McMahon MT, Bulte JW. Single F-19 probe for simultaneous detection of multiple metal ions using miCEST MRI. J Am Chem Soc, 2015 Jan 14.


  • Jouroukhin Y, Nonyane BA, Gilad AA, Pelled G. Molecular neuroimaging of post-injury plasticity. J Mol Neurosci, 2014 Dec.
  • Choi J, Park H, Kim T, Jeong Y, Oh MH, Hyeon T, Gilad AA, Lee KH. Engineered collagen hydrogels for the sustained release of biomolecules and imaging agents: promoting the growth of human gingival cells. Int J Nanomedicine, 2014 Nov 11.
  • Liu G, Qin Q, Chan KW, Li Y, Bulte JW, McMahon MT, van Zijl PC, Gilad AA. Non-invasive temperature mapping using temperature-responsive water saturation shift referencing (T-WASSR) MRI. NMR Biomed, 2014 Mar.
  • Bar-Shir A, Liu G, Chan KW, Oskolkov N, Song X, Yadav NN, Walczak P, McMahon MT, van Zijl PC, Bulte JW, Gilad AA. Human protamine-1 as an MRI reporter gene based on chemical exchange. ACS Chem Biol, 2014 Jan 17.


  • Liu G, Bettegowda C, Qiao Y, Staedtke V, Chan KW, Bai R, Li Y, Riggins GJ, Kinzler KW, Bulte JW, McMahon MT, Gilad AA, Vogelstein B, Zhou S, van Zijl PC. Noninvasive imaging of infection after treatment with tumor-homing bacteria using Chemical Exchange Saturation Transfer (CEST) MRI. Magn Reson Med, 2013 Dec.
  • Bar-Shir A, Liu G, Greenberg MM, Bulte JW, Gilad AA. Synthesis of a probe for monitoring HSV1-tk reporter gene expression using chemical exchange saturation transfer MRI. Nature Protocols, 2013 Dec.
  • Bar-Shir A, Gilad AA, Chan KW, Liu G, van Zijl PC, Bulte JW, McMahon MT. Metal ion sensing using ion chemical exchange saturation transfer F-19 magnetic resonance imaging. J Am Chem Soc, 2013 Aug 21.
  • Airan RD, Li N, Gilad AA, Pelled G. Genetic tools to manipulate MRI contrast. NMR Biomed, 2013 Jul.
  • Chan KWY, Liu G, Song X, Kim X, Yu T, Arifin DR, Gilad AA, Hanes J, Walczak P, van Zijl PCM, Bulte JWM and McMahon MT. MRI-detectable pH nanosensors incorporated into hydrogels for in vivo sensing of transplanted cell viability. Nature Materials, 2013 Mar.
  • Guanshu Liu, Kannie W.Y. Chan, Xiaolei Song, Jiangyang Zhang, Gilad AA, Jeff W.M. Bulte, Peter C.M. van Zijl, Michael T. McMahon. NOrmalized MAgnetization Ratio (NOMAR) Filtering for Creation of Tissue Selective Contrast Maps. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2013 Feb.
  • Bar-Shir A, Liu G, Liang Y, Yadav NN, McMahon MT, Walczak P, Nimmagadda SR, Pomper MG, Tallman KA, Greenberg MM, van Zijl PC, Bulte JW, Gilad AA. Transforming thymidine into a magnetic resonance imaging probe for monitoring gene expression. J Am Chem Soc, 2013 Jan 30.


  • Kim H, Walczak P, Kerr C, Galpoththawela C, Gilad AA, Muja N, Bulte JW. Immunomodulation by Transplanted Human Embryonic Stem Cell- Derived Oligodendroglial Progenitors in Experimental Autoimmune Encephalomyelitis. Stem Cells, 2012 Dec.
  • Airan RD, Bar-Shir A, Liu G, Pelled G, McMahon MT, van Zijl PC, Bulte JW, Gilad AA. MRI biosensor for protein kinase A encoded by a single synthetic gene. Magn Reson Med, 2012 Nov.
  • Gorelik M, Orukari I, Wang J, Galpoththawela S, Kim H, Levy M, Gilad AA, Bar-Shir A, Kerr DA, Levchenko A, Bulte JW, Walczak P. Use of MR Cell Tracking to Evaluate Targeting of Glial Precursor Cells to Inflammatory Tissue by Exploiting the Very Late Antigen-4 Docking Receptor. Radiology, 2012 Oct.
  • Song X, Gilad AA, Joel S, Liu G, Bar-Shir A, Liang Y, Gorelik M, Pekar JJ, van Zijl PC, Bulte JW, McMahon MT. CEST phase mapping using a length and offset varied saturation (LOVARS) scheme. Magn Reson Med, 2012 Oct.
  • Yadav NN, Jones CK, Xu J, Bar-Shir A, Gilad AA, McMahon MT, van Zijl PC. Detection of rapidly exchanging compounds using on-resonance frequency-labeled exchange (FLEX) transfer. Magn Reson Med, 2012 Oct.
  • Liu G, Moake M, Har-El YE, Long CM, Chan KW, Cardona A, Jamil M, Walczak P, Gilad AA, Sgouros G, van Zijl PC, Bulte JW, McMahon MT. In vivo multicolor molecular MR imaging using diamagnetic chemical exchange saturation transfer liposomes. Magn Reson Med, 2012 Apr.


  • Choi J, Kim K, Kim T, Liu G, Bar-Shir A, Hyeon T, McMahon MT, Bulte JW, Fisher JP, Gilad AA. Multimodal imaging of sustained drug release from 3-D poly(propylene fumarate) (PPF) scaffolds. J Control Release, 2011 Dec 10.
  • Liu G, Liang Y, Bar-Shir A, Chan KW, Galpoththawela CS, Bernard SM, Tse T, Yadav NN, Walczak P, McMahon MT, Bulte JW, van Zijl PC, Gilad AA. Monitoring enzyme activity using a diamagnetic chemical exchange saturation transfer magnetic resonance imaging contrast agent. J Am Chem Soc, 2011 Oct 19.
  • Liu G, Gilad AA. MRI of CEST-based reporter gene. Methods Mol Biol, 2011.
  • Arifin DR, Long CM, Gilad AA, Alric C, Roux S, Tillement O, Link TW, Arepally A, Bulte JW. Trimodal gadolinium-gold microcapsules containing pancreatic islet cells restore normoglycemia in diabetic mice and can be tracked by using US, CT, and positive-contrast MR imaging. Radiology, 2011 Sep.
  • Muja N, Cohen ME, Zhang J, Kim H, Gilad AA, Walczak P, Ben-Hur T, Bulte JW. Neural precursors exhibit distinctly different patterns of cell migration upon transplantation during either the acute or chronic phase of EAE: A serial MR imaging study. Magn Reson Med, 2011 Jun.
  • Li N, Downey JE, Bar-Shir A, Gilad AA, Walczak P, Kim H, Joel SE, Pekar JJ, Thakor NV, Pelled G. Optogenetic-guided cortical plasticity after nerve injury. Proc Natl Acad Sci U.S.A., 2011 May 24.
  • Kim T, Momin E, Choi J, Yuan K, Zaidi H, Kim J, Park M, Lee N, McMahon MT, Quinones-Hinojosa A, Bulte JW, Hyeon T, Gilad AA. Mesoporous silica-coated hollow manganese oxide nanoparticles as positive T-1 contrast agents for labeling and MRI tracking of adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells. J Am Chem Soc, 2011 Mar 9.
  • Kim J, Arifin DR, Muja N, Kim T, Gilad AA, Kim H, Arepally A, Hyeon T, Bulte JW. Multifunctional capsule-in-capsules for immunoprotection and trimodal imaging. Angew Chem Int Ed Engl, 2011 Mar.
  • Walczak P, All AH, Rumpal N, Gorelik M, Kim H, Maybhate A, Agrawal G, Campanelli JT, Gilad AA, Kerr DA, Bulte JW. Human glial-restricted progenitors survive, proliferate, and preserve electrophysiological function in rats with focal inflammatory spinal cord demyelination. Glia, 2011 Mar.
  • Berman SC, Galpoththawela C, Gilad AA, Bulte JW, Walczak P. Long-term MR cell tracking of neural stem cells grafted in immunocompetent versus immunodeficient mice reveals distinct differences in contrast between live and dead cells. Magn Reson Med, 2011 Feb.
  • Liu G, Bulte JW, Gilad AA. CEST MRI reporter genes. Methods Mol Biol, 2011.

2010 and prior

  • Liu G, Gilad AA, Bulte JW, van Zijl PC, McMahon MT. High-throughput screening of chemical exchange saturation transfer MR contrast agents. Contrast Media Mol Imaging, 2010 May.
  • Kedziorek DA, Muja N, Walczak P, Ruiz-Cabello J, Gilad AA, Jie CC, Bulte JW. Gene expression profiling reveals early cellular responses to intracellular magnetic labeling with superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles. Magn Reson Med, 2010 Apr.
  • Gilad AA, van Laarhoven HW, McMahon MT, Walczak P, Heerschap A, Neeman M, van Zijl PC, Bulte JW. Feasibility of concurrent dual contrast enhancement using CEST contrast agents and superparamagnetic iron oxide particles. Magn Reson Med, 2009 Apr.
  • Gilad AA, Ziv K, McMahon MT, van Zijl PC, Neeman M, Bulte JW. MRI reporter genes. J Nucl Med, 2008 Dec.
  • McMahon MT, Gilad AA, DeLiso MA, Berman SM, Bulte JW, van Zijl PC. New “multicolor” polypeptide diamagnetic chemical exchange saturation transfer (DIACEST) contrast agents for MRI. Magn Reson Med, 2008 Oct.
  • Gilad AA, Walczak P, McMahon MT, Na HB, Lee JH, An K, Hyeon T, van Zijl PC, Bulte JW. MR tracking of transplanted cells with “positive contrast” using manganese oxide nanoparticles. Magn Reson Med, 2008 Jul.
  • Walczak P, Zhang J, Gilad AA, Kedziorek DA, Ruiz-Cabello J, Young RG, Pittenger MF, van Zijl PC, Huang J, Bulte JW. Dual-modality monitoring of targeted intraarterial delivery of mesenchymal stem cells after transient ischemia. Stroke, 2008 May.
  • Walczak P, Kedziorek DA, Gilad AA, Barnett BP, Bulte JW. Applicability and limitations of MR tracking of neural stem cells with asymmetric cell division and rapid turnover: the case of the shiverer dysmyelinated mouse brain. Magn Reson Med, 2007 Aug.
  • Gilad AA, Winnard PT Jr, van Zijl PC, Bulte JW. Developing MR reporter genes: promises and pitfalls. NMR Biomed, 2007 May.
  • Gilad AA, McMahon MT, Walczak P, Winnard PT Jr, Raman V, van Laarhoven HW, Skoglund CM, Bulte JW, van Zijl PC. Artificial reporter gene providing MRI contrast based on proton exchange. Nat Biotechnol, 2007 Feb.
  • Girsh E, Plaks V, Gilad AA, Nevo N, Schechtman E, Neeman M, Dekel N. Cloprostenol, a prostaglandin F-2alpha analog, induces hypoxia in rat placenta: BOLD contrast MRI. NMR Biomed, 2007 Feb.
  • Neeman M, Gilad AA, Dafni H, Cohen B. Molecular imaging of angiogenesis. J Magn Reson Imaging, 2007 Jan.
  • Walczak P, Ruiz-Cabello J, Kedziorek DA, Gilad AA, Lin S, Barnett B, Qin L, Levitsky H, Bulte JW. Magnetoelectroporation: improved labeling of neural stem cells and leukocytes for cellular magnetic resonance imaging using a single FDA-approved agent. Nanomedicine, 2006 Jun.
  • McMahon MT, Gilad AA, Zhou J, Sun PZ, Bulte JW, van Zijl PC. Quantifying exchange rates in chemical exchange saturation transfer agents using the saturation time and saturation power dependencies of the magnetization transfer effect on the magnetic resonance imaging signal (QUEST and QUESP): Ph calibration for poly-L-lysine and a starburst dendrimer. Magn Reson Med, 2006 Apr.
  • Gilad AA, Israely T, Dafni H, Meir G, Cohen B, Neeman M. Functional and molecular mapping of uncoupling between vascular permeability and loss of vascular maturation in ovarian carcinoma xenografts: the role of stroma cells in tumor angiogenesis. Int J Cancer, 2005 Nov 1.
  • Walczak P, Kedziorek DA, Gilad AA, Lin S, Bulte JW. Instant MR labeling of stem cells using magnetoelectroporation. Magn Reson Med, 2005 Oct.
  • Gilead A, Meir G, Neeman M. The role of angiogenesis, vascular maturation, regression and stroma infiltration in dormancy and growth of implanted MLS ovarian carcinoma spheroids. Int J Cancer, 2004 Feb 10.
  • Dafni H, Gilead A, Nevo N, Eilam R, Harmelin A, Neeman M. Modulation of the pharmacokinetics of macromolecular contrast material by avidin chase: MRI, optical, and inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry tracking of triply labeled albumin. Magn Reson Med, 2003 Nov.
  • Gross S*, Gilead A, Scherz A, Neeman M, Salomon Y. Monitoring photodynamic therapy of solid tumors online by BOLD-contrast MRI. Nat Med, 2003 Oct.
  • Tempel C, Gilead A, Neeman M. Hyaluronic acid as an anti-angiogenic shield in the preovulatory rat follicle. Biol Reprod, 2000 Jul.
  • Gilead A, Neeman M. Dynamic remodeling of the vascular bed precedes tumor growth: MLS ovarian carcinoma spheroids implanted in nude mice. Neoplasia, 1999 Aug.

Contact Us

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  • Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan
  • A note for alumni - please contact Brianna Ricker ( to have any updates included!